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Whether you’re a new firearm owner or a seasoned vet, you’ve likely asked yourself what should be in a range bag. Packing ahead of time not only saves you the headache when you realize you’ve left something as essential as your ammo at home, but properly packed range bags can be a saving grace in the event of an emergency, too. Determining how to pack a gun range bag is easy once you can break down what’s essential and what’s not while you’re at the shooting range. So to help make it easier, we’re laying out exactly what we think is necessary when packing your range bag. 

Shooting Gear

Your shooting gear and accessories are what make you efficient and productive while spending time at the gun range. By keeping your pistol range bag stocked with these items, you’ll find you’re better equipped to maximize your time practicing at the range.  

Number one: Your firearm.

Maybe this is a no-brainer, but you can’t tell us you wouldn’t be livid if you showed up to the range without your gun.

Number two: Targets.

While most ranges provide targets for you to use, it’s nice to have backups in case they’re out. 

Number three: Stapler

If you’re setting up your own targets, you’re going to need a staple gun. By bringing these items yourself, you’re not wasting any valuable time searching for these things while you’re at the gun range.  

Number four: Holster, Gloves & Accessories

You know what you like when it comes to handling your firearm. If you prefer shooting gloves to keep you comfortable, put in the bag. If you use a specific holster, that ought to come too. While the gun range is a good time to practice your shot, it’s also an opportunity to get familiar with your gun and how you carry it, so pack up any of the usual firearm accessories you use 

Medical Kit

While medical professionals are never far away, it’s necessary to pack a medical kit when going to the gun range. Even if it’s not you who needs it, your medical kit could help save the life of someone else in the event of an emergency.   


A day at the range can only last as long as your ammo does. So be sure to pack additional ammunition if you’re planning to spend a considerable amount of time shooting. And remember—you should avoid overpacking your gun range bag. Luckily, ours come equipped with a 3 location MOLLE pouch attachment system so you can easily load up on ammo, magazines, and dummy rounds.   

Eye & Ear Protection 

Whether you’re shooting indoors or outdoors, hearing protection is a must. Choose from options like muffs or earplugs to protect your ears from serious damage. Even if you’re not shooting—you need to have these things with you.  

And as far as eye protection goes, you’ll want ballistic-rated glasses or goggles to keep you safe from any stray bullet casings. Sure, safety goggles or your normal everyday glasses may work if you have nothing else available, but they aren’t the safest option, so we prefer you choose otherwise.  

Maintenance Items

Gun cleaning and maintenance is really easy when all your tools are at the ready. Keep our gun oil and cleaning solvent in your shooting range bag so you can give your firearm a good wipe down as soon as you’re done shooting for the day. By doing this regularly, you’ll keep your gun in top condition so it can function smoothly and last you a long time.  

Your Essentials

The only things left to pack are your daily essentials. This includes things like sunscreen and bug spray if you’re shooting outdoors. Water and food to keep you energized throughout the day. Basic tools, like a flashlight and wrench set for any minor gear adjustments you may need to do. And a pen and paper to record any progress you’ve made at the range or to take notes on your shots.   

Final Tips

Now that you know what goes inside your gun range bag, it’s possible you’re now asking what’s the best range bag to fill. At Vulcan, we’ve made it our mission to create the most innovative premium firearm accessories on the market—so we’re sure our WeatherLock range bags are top of the line. It’s designed to house your firearm, and all the necessary tools and accessories you’d need for a day at the shooting range. With its premium materials, innovative design, and its all-weather durability—it's the only gun range bag you’ll need.  


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